GDPR Software


GDPR Contact

The contact page is where you can list all of the key stakeholders within the Privacy Network along with their basic contact details  If you also provide their email address the system can optionaly email out certain items to stakeholders automatically e.g. An action/task assigned to them.

Make sure if you are using Sample Data that you have customised the data to fit in with your organisational and operational structure.  Generally, data that requires customising will be enclosed within square brackets e.g. [[Assign me]], simply replace the square brackets and the contents with suitable data relevant to your business.

Depending on your organisation size, it is not mandatory to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO), but it is recommended that someone is appointed to manage data privacy for the organisation, 2 keys roles are the Privacy Officer and the Data Protection Officer

Key stakeholders may reside in these departments:

  • Procurement
  • Sales & marketing
  • Product management
  • Accounts
  • Human resources
  • Information security
  • Legal
  • Website development

Additional stakeholders might be third parties such as suppliers, financial institutions (Banks), credit agencies, etc.