GDPR Software

Step by step video user guides on how to use GDPR Software.

This video library is intended to help give you an overview of the system, set up the framework, audit where you are on your GDPR journey, and explain some of the more detailed processes.

We have broken it down into several short videos so that you can pick the one that is relevant for you.  We are also continually updating this library so there will be more to follow!


Overview of the GDPR Software system (3 minutes 22 seconds)
Click the icon to view in full screen mode.



Step 1: Setting up your GDPR Software framework (5 minutes, 58 seconds)
​Click the icon to view in full screen mode.



Step 2: Audit where you are on your GDPR journey (2 minutes, 37 seconds)
​Click the icon to view in full screen mode.



Step 3: Data Mapping (6 minutes, 25 seconds)
​Click the icon to view in full screen mode.



Step 4: Working through your GDPR framework (4 minutes, 37 seconds)
​Click the icon to view in full screen mode.


Step 5: Action Plan and Ongoing Monitoring (1 minute, 29 seconds)
​Click the icon to view in full screen mode.